
Buba vs Total 10
 Serbia/Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
Occurred: 2017-09-27; Posted: 2017-10-04

Pazite kuda vas vode linkovi
Prošle nedelje sam dobila link preko fb prema stranicama sa frizurama, krenula sam sa klikćem, i onako rutinski napravila nekoliko klikova dok nisam dobila poruku da sam se pretplatila na neki Total 10 i odmah su ki skinuli 180 dinara sa računa. Nekoliko dana sam zaboravila na to,međutim opet sam dobila poruku da mi je skinuto sa racunani da ako hoću mogu da se odjavim ako ukucam 4444.

Financial Losses
Hacked Systems
Illegal Acts


Često po default-u krenemo da klikćemo ne obraćajući pažnju na šta,što su neki prevaranti dobro spazili i iskoristili da se okoriste o to.

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Buba vs Puls consulting
 Serbia/Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
Occurred: 2017-09-05; Posted: 2017-10-07

An unregistered medical device that treats everything
Firm Puls consulting invited my parents by phone to the presentation of their medical device and with that full check of my parents health which was financed by an international humanitarian organization they said.
When my parents got there they seriously explained all the health problems and the connection with the wrong treatment and even fatal outcomes, for which the solution is a bearing with magnetic fields, and even organized a "prize game" that gives a discount when buying Bed for magnetic fields treatment. The price for it is abnormaly high and some people who were trick to by it have problems to return their money.
After little research we found out that "In accordance with the Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices, advertising material must be approved by the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Serbia," and The Medicines Agency did not approve the mentioned promotional material. From this institution they state:
,, Puls consulting ', have not a single product has been registered as a medical agent with the Agency. "

Fraudulent Representation
Marketing Lies

MESSAGE FROM Puls consulting

Customers should be aware that fake medical devices are being sold daily on presentations and that people who have already been closed by state authorities for fraud and illegal activities appear as sellers. For this reason, buying medical devices at presentations should be avoided.

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Anonymous vs Someone from Bangladesh
 Serbia/Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
Occurred: 2017-06-18; Posted: 2017-06-21

Scamming via calls
A few days ago I got a call from a strange looking number. Caller ID said that the number was a Bangladesh number. I didn't answer of course. The phone kept ringing, and after I ignored the call, I got a couple of other calls. Different numbers, but they were all Bangladesh numbers. It started to feel like harassment, so I decided to block all the numbers. I was curious, though.. Maybe even a bit weirded out, but I didn't think much of it. Until today. I heard from some of my friends that they either received or heard of someone receiving these weird calls too. Apparently, sometimes, you even get a message that would beg you to answer. Turns out it's all part of some sort of scheme to scam people out of lots of money.

Spam Messaging
Financial Losses

MESSAGE FROM Someone from Bangladesh

Do not answer any calls that are from Bangladesh!

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Anonymous vs Aleksandar Vucic
 Serbia/Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
Occurred: 2017-04-02; Posted: 2017-06-23

Dictatorship of Aleksandar Vučić
Aleksandar Vučić was the Prime Minister of Serbia from 2014 to 2017. He won the presidential election by manipulation, voter intimidation and near total domination of Serbia's media. He was the only presidential candidate that had commercials promoting him as a candidate on every Serbian TV channel. There are registered cases of foul play where even people who died received a ballot to vote. (And a lot of cases where dead people voted which makes absolutely no sense, only further inclining that the election was rigged) Vučić is part of the populist conservative Serbian Progressive Party, his party, unfortunately, has the most influence. Therefor it has a lot of people with power and in high positions that support the party. People were threatened that they would lose their job if they don't vote for him. That is blackmail! Other people were bribed into voting for him by being payed 1000 RSD (less than 10$) and a sandwich. There were numerous irregularities during his campaign, during the voting and during the counting of the votes. Protests immediately started and were called "protests against the dictatorship". The protesters were citizens, the police union, the army union, the youth, students, liberals,communists and pension unions.

Illegal Acts
Blackmailing Tactics

MESSAGE FROM Aleksandar Vucic
There were repeated elections at eight polling stations, and we won over 70 percent of them, after nine days of electoral contesting. In the first round, nine days ago, we won with an average of 53.84 percent of the votes. Today, nine days later, nine days during which our victory was challenged, where our political opponents, without losing sight of the defeat, organizing street protests and the most difficult media campaigns, won with 71.66 percent of the vote. Great thanks to Serbian citizens, the quiet majority, and to those who say "we want to work", "we want peace and stability"!

He is a fraud. He manipulated the media, he manipulated the whole country. He will bring Serbia no good.

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Buba vs Tehnomanija
 Serbia/Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
Occurred: 2017-02-15; Posted: 2017-10-02

The fridge broke down after 6 months
Six months ago I bought a fridge in company name Tehnomanija here in Serbia, it was not so cheap. After a few months I noticed that part of the magnet had fallen off, and on the outside I noticed that they had covered the rust. As if it was an old fridge that was rustling and that they were masking and selling again like it is a new one.


MESSAGE FROM Tehnomanija
I am looking for a warranty card, then I will call them to see what they will say.

There are so many scams like this in our country, you must be very carefull when buying, even new things. Keep warranty card on the special box in your home, and always ask how many years of warranty do you get with product.

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Buba vs Interproject gemmacom babe doo
 Serbia/Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
Occurred: 2014-08-13; Posted: 2017-10-03

piramydal scam
We got invitation from the company Interproject gemmacom babe d.o.o. by phone to the presentation at the SAVA Center.
There they "presented" our offer that we can not in any way refuse and that was to have "our" apartment for about 4000 EUR, every year for 7 days while we are alive, and we can leave it to inheritance, etc.

The truth is that in those 7 days we have to pay maintenance and electricity costs (about 7000 dinars), that is the money for which you can rent a room in any spa for 7 days. After payment of the first part of 1200 EUR when we realized that we were deceived, they did not allow the cancellation of the agreement within two days, but only allowed us to use 4 times a year for 7 days apartments in the country club Babe (which is close now) or Kopaonik in the following years (with the costs maintenance and electricity about 7000 dinars). At the moment, they can not be found at the address either over the Internet or over the phone, so there are likely to be many cheated citizens

Illegal Acts
Fraudulent Representation

MESSAGE FROM Interproject gemmacom babe doo

This pyramidal schemes are most of the times big frauds, they are trying to deceive the naive people with persuasive talk.

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