Occurred: 2017-08-07; Posted: 2017-08-07
If my iqama [residency visa] expires and is not renewed for some reason, or if i do not visit the bank to show my face, every year, even if my visa is renewed, my bank account will be frozen. Once my bank account is frozen, no money can be taken from it, even if your kids are dying of hunger or your pregnant wife needs medicine.. Your driver's license will also be frozen, credit cards as well, your phone number may also be disconnected. It is my hard earned money but because of the laws based on the principles of slavery, your money is not yours if the masters decide to do so.
Nowhere in this world will this happen. Actually most countries want you to deposit your money in their banks and try to give you a sense of security, so you keep the money invested with them.
Harassment Illegal Acts Lack of Due Diligence
FROM Samba Bank
Dear Customer, Your account has been frozen.
FROM Anonymous
Try your best not to save any significant money in Saudi banks. If your money is stuck in a bank or if your company is not paying salaries on time, which is normal in most Islamic countries, there will be no way to get your rights back, and ultimately your visa will expire, and why would a company not paying your salary renew your visa, and the Saudi religion and the society will be happy to throw you out of the country without giving you any of your rights.