Occurred: 2015-09-26; Posted: 2017-05-23
Laptop repair pickup man stole a phone
Yantra Seva is a computer repair company that sends people to pick up the broken computers. One such guy picked up my laptop and returned a repaired one. The job was well done. However, when he was inside the house to do the billing, I asked him to sit on the sofa. My mother's mobile phone was kept on the sofa set. This guy finished his billing and we were done paying. After he left. I looked for the phone and I couldn't find it. I called the pickup man to ask if he accidentally took the phone or not. His phone was switched off. Never to be turned on again. That number was discontinued and we could never find that person nor could we trace our stolen phone. It was taken from under our nose and we didn't realize it. We never found it again. There was no other place the phone could go.
Illegal Acts Indifference Lack of Due Diligence
FROM Yantra Seva
We could never get in touch with the pickup/delivery guy. Yantra Seva strongly claimed that it is impossible that he took the phone.
FROM Anonymous
When someone comes home, be it anyone, be vigilant. Anyone could be a thief. Just about anyone. If you are not in a position to catch someone red-handed, you might lose your valuables.