Occurred: 2016-11-08; Posted: 2016-11-07
Office 365 Personal - Outlook on Windows
Since the start of cloud computing, more and more big guns have found a way of eliminating customer service contacts from their websites. You better have a problem that everyone else has. If your problem is not available on discussion forums, you are out of luck. The chat robot will ask you for your problem in detail and then his artificial intelligence with choose some links from the discussion form and throw back at you. As I said, you should hope that your problem already exists and solutions are posted by someone for the exact same scenario. Microsoft thinks that no new scenario can exist.
Every year for some reason I have to wash my computer. Format the hard drive and install windows again. Get it authenticated. Since I believe in the ethics and morals of effort and reward, I buy all my software, instead of downloading from torrents. And when I have a problem I have to waste days and days finding a solution, cause there is no place where I can just call and get help.
And that's why I have downloaded OPENOFFICE and deleted Microsoft office from my system. Openoffice is free, open source, and it works fine.
At least, if there is no customer service, I have no one to blame, I am already getting it for free.
Lack of Due Diligence Indifference Marketing Lies
FROM Microsoft
The chat robot, kept directing me to discussion forums, instead of providing a solution specific to my problem.
https://www.office.com billing@microsoft.com
FROM Anonymous
Install APACHE OPENOFFICE from http://www.openoffice.org/download/