
Anonymous vs Richard McCarl
Occurred: 2017-06-01; Posted: 2017-06-23

Beware of soldiers on facebook
My aunt told me that she had an online relationship that went south. One day a gorgeous man by the name Richard McCarl added her on facebook. His profile said that he was divorced, and that he was in Iraq. He was a soldier. She said that they talked for days and days, and that it was wonderful. "He was such a romantic man" she said. He would write her poems, and tell her these incredible stories about how much he's falling for her. My aunt has no children and is also divorced. Turns out, that is the kind of woman these men target for their dirty little scam. He told her that he wants to settle down when he returns from Iraq, and that he wants a life with her. My aunt was beyond happy, but then he started asking for money. At first he started asking for small amounts of cash, but over time they got bigger. My aunt thought that he was a real person since his profile had all the pictures, he had tagged photos of him and his friends. Long story short, my aunt ended up sending him about 200$, and when she refused to pay a thousand dollars for (supposedly) a plane ticket, he deleted his profile.
In the end, we found out that all those other profiles (the profiles of his friends) were also fake. It's a whole scam ring that is made to lure women such as my aunt in. They look for desperate women, often from all around the world, who are willing to send money to their internet fling.

Hurt Emotionally
Financial Losses
Fraudulent Representation


If a strange soldier man adds you, starts chatting with you, and starts asking for money, my advice is to block them right away.

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